Welcome to my practice of transformative therapeutic massage! My name is Dmitri Heller and I’ve been an LMT for 6 years. I am dedicated to providing exceptional care through my unique approach to bodywork. With extensive training and a passion for healing, I utilize my specialized and personally developed technique with my hands and a variety of massage tools to achieve profound myofascial releases that can unlock the body's innate ability to correct and realign bones.

Through the art of these myofascial and sports techniques, I tap into the intricate network of fascia—the connective tissue that surrounds and supports every muscle, bone, and organ in our bodies. By applying precise and controlled pressure along the fascial lines, I aim to unravel tension, release restrictions, and restore optimal movement patterns.

My focus is on achieving deep myofascial releases that go beyond superficial muscle manipulation. By accessing the fascial system, I can address the root causes of discomfort, pain, and misalignment. This holistic approach not only provides immediate relief but also promotes long-term healing and improved structural integrity.

Using specialized guasha tools and precise techniques, I facilitate the release of adhesions, scar tissue, and fascial restrictions. These releases can have a profound impact on the body, allowing for increased flexibility, improved range of motion, and enhanced overall well-being. Additionally, by targeting the fascia, I can support the body's natural ability to correct misalignments and promote proper skeletal alignment which is the source of many of our musculoskeletal problems.

I am committed to creating a therapeutic environment that fosters relaxation, trust, and open communication. Prior to each session, I take the time to understand your unique needs, concerns, and goals. This personalized approach allows me to tailor each treatment to your specific requirements, ensuring a highly effective and individualized experience.

Whether you are seeking relief from chronic pain, recovering from an injury, or simply looking to optimize your body's function, my massage techniques can provide you with a transformative experience. It is my pleasure to be your partner on your journey to improved well-being, helping you rediscover balance, alignment, and a renewed sense of vitality.

I invite you to explore the profound benefits of myofascial releases and experience the power of this therapy. Together, let us unlock your body's potential for healing and embark on a path of lasting wellness.

- Dmitri